Hello stranger, my name is Ash 馃憢

  • 馃殌 I started my journey developing medical devices for New Zealand’s largest company - Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. I helped develop embedded software and algorithm for home respiratory machines that have treated 100k patients and counting.
  • Now exploring the ins-and-outs of startups at Umps, just over the ditch in Melbourne, Australia. My next assignment is to make care at home seamless by designing a smart-home IOT platform to enable independent living for elderly people 馃彔.
  • I am driven by my passion to use my engineering skills for good and continue making a difference in people’s lives across the globe 馃審.
  • 馃挕 Step into my digital realm! This website is a snapshot of my evolving journey, revealing projects, ideas, and the rich tapestry of interests that define my exploration in the world of technology and beyond.

Automated Testing Software

During my third year of study, I interned at MimoMax Wireless, a Christchurch-based company specializing in the design and manufacturing of Multiple Input Multiple Output Radios. My assignment was to design and develop an automated testing software, simplifying the laborious process of testing new radios. Project Requirements: User-Friendly GUI: Intuitive interface for ease of use. Scalable Architecture: Ability to accommodate new developments seamlessly. VISA Interface Compatibility: Integration with VISA interface for enhanced flexibility....

2 min 路 274 words 路 Ash Gupta

Computer-Vision Assisted Car Parking Monitoring System

Read the Final Published Paper The Problem Prolonged parking overstays result in revenue loss for the parking company. The current manual method of detecting parking occupancy is inefficient and requires parking officers. Solution Implement a high-mounted camera system with computer vision algorithms and deep learning to validate parking spot occupancy. Key Steps: Grey Scaling and Gaussian Blur Background Subtraction Thresholding Dilation Non-Zero Pixels YOLO Neural Network Results Methods Accuracy Explanation Background Subtraction Only 50% Detected every small movement Background Subtraction + Thresholding 72% Filtered out small movements Background Subtraction + Gaussian Blur + Thresholding + Dilation 84% Reduced noise from the image; still detected humans and other non-vehicle related movements Addition of YOLO Neural Network 91% Eliminated non-vehicle related movement The final achieved accuracy was 91%, surpassing previous research on this application 1....

1 min 路 178 words 路 Ash Gupta

Laser-cut Wooden Map

Christchurch is my favorite place in the world. It鈥檚 where I鈥檝e spent most of my life. There鈥檚 so much to do, the people are great, the surroundings are beautiful, and the weather is fresh! When I moved to Auckland to pursue my career at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, I felt homesick and wanted to create something as a tribute to my home city. I decided to learn how to use a laser cutter and build a wooden map of Christchurch....

2 min 路 279 words 路 Ash Gupta

Rocket-Shaped Rubbish Bins for Auckland School

SouthSci is a New Zealand government program that connects schools in low socio-economic areas of South Auckland with science, providing both funding and expertise for community research projects. The goal is to demonstrate the value of science, showcase career paths in the science sector, and foster relationships between science organizations, researchers, and students. Where do I come in? I was one of the volunteer experts who collaborated with students and teachers to bring science alive in their classrooms....

2 min 路 383 words 路 Ash Gupta